"Our Rutland 1941" is a documentary version of the original silent film called "Our Rutland" produced by the Rutland Lions Club in April, 1941, to be sent to Rutland members of the Vermont National Guard stationed at Camp Blanding, Florida, who left Rutland the month before. This version has added mostly music from that era and has fantastic narration and additional historical tidbits by Raymond Mooney and improved footage quality courtesy of Ben Burdge's amazing remastering skills. Also added by Ben are many "now" photos of places seen in 1941. This mostly color film with some black and white segments has many shots of a busy Center Street, Merchants Row, West Street, Mansfield Place, the fire station with apparatus roaring in and out, the RHS and MSJ bands marching to music, movie theaters, churches and much more. The use of this amazing footage would not have been possible without the assistance of the Rutland Historical Society, the Vermont Historical Society and the Vermont Lions District 45. This is another labor of love for the Rutland we all knew and grew up in by RHS Members Ben and Ray. We hope you will all enjoy our efforts.